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In-service Training

I conduct workshops and other types of training in Dyslexia, Lanuage-based instruction, math learning difficulties, ADHD and executive function disorders.


I observe students in their current or proposed school setting to gather information on how a student is responding to their program, or to evaluate the appropriateness of a program to a student’s learning needs.  




  • Assistance with students when there is limited consensus between the family and the school team or when collaboration with outside providers is required for optimal care.

  • Provide direct consultation to teaching staff to assess behavior and learning needs and assist in implementation of specific interventions.

  • Provide advocacy to parent at school meetings in a clinical, rather than a legal role.


Education Evaluation:  In-depth assessment of a student’s skills in reading, written language and math to determine the following:

  • How the student’s academic functioning compares to other students in the same grade or of the same age

  • What factors are contributing to the student’s academic problems

  • What specific educational interventions are needed to help the student learn

Includes testing, interpretation of scores and a detailed report which contains recommendations for school programming


Cognitive Evaluation:  In-depth assessment of cognitive functioning including verbal and nonverbal intelligence and memory and/or executive function measures (if needed)

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